Twitch Chat Etiquette

This info was originally found at - the page has recently gone down, here’s a copy pasta of that great information here.

Twitch.TV Chat Etiquette Guide for the New Viewers
What is backseat gaming and why does everyone hate it?

Backseat gaming is when people in chat try to direct the streamer to do what they want because it's the "right way".


„I love Assassin's Creed 2!! I'm gonna make Ezio go over these rooftops for fun!!‟ — Streamer
„Why don't you just go through the streets? It'd be quicker and less bother‟ — Backseat Gamer

Often unless the caster specifically asks for help in a certain area it is frowned upon for early commands even the tiniest such as "go left" or "jump." You see, it ruins the game immersion for them. Wouldn't you hate it if someone ruined the joy and love you had for a new game? The feeling of accomplishment when you figure it out all on your own? The excitement of finding random spots or Easter eggs all on your own?